Hey everyone, it's Gökhan here. Today, we’re diving into a common question: Can you make music without knowing music theory or notes? Short Answer: Not Really.

While you can certainly create music without a deep understanding of music theory, knowing notes and chords can significantly enhance your music-making process. Understanding these concepts can improve your ability to express yourself through music and give you a more aesthetic and easy-to-understand perspective on your compositions. Playing an instrument or singing in tune are parts of this process.

However, is it possible to create music without any knowledge of notes or chords? Absolutely. With the abundance of pre-made loops and samples available today, you can indeed create music without knowing musical theory. You can experiment with ready-made loops and chord progressions to craft something new. Some people rely on their ear to produce music, and they manage to create amazing works without knowing formal music theory.

In this video, I aim to show you that even if you feel inexperienced in this area, it’s okay to start somewhere. You can use some basic tools to your advantage and still create impressive music.

Creating Music with Minimal Knowledge

Let’s take a look at how you can create music using just one note and some clever tools. We'll focus on:

We’ll build an inspiration station where one note can trigger a range of chord progressions and transitions through automation. We’ll use Serum to create a sweeping effect that responds to a single note. This tool helps us see how different notes and chords can be triggered by a single note.

We’ll also explore different music modes and effects to see how they can enrich our compositions. The goal is to simplify the process of creating music by using these tools, making it easier to experiment and develop your sound.


While a fundamental understanding of music theory can be incredibly helpful, it’s not a strict requirement to create music. Tools and software can help bridge the gap for those who may not be familiar with traditional music theory. Embrace the tools available and let your creativity guide you.